Errors in Oct 2012 print run

Page 14,  Fig 1.14:  There should be a link from "Height" to  "Intelligence" in the lower model. (fixed in Dec 2012 print run)

Page 22, Fig 1.21:  There should be no link from "Sex" to "Drug taken" in the middle model of Fig 1.21.
(fixed in Dec 2012 print run)

Page 32, Fig 2.1 should be the same as 
Fig 1.13. Specifically, the formula should say "N=2.144 x T + 243.55"  not  "N=2.144 > T + 243.55"

(thanks to  Chris Hobbs for noticing that)

Page 45: Second bullet at the bottom of the page,  should be “So a ‘Law suit’ or ‘Flood’ is obviously a worse outcome” rather than the current reading of “better outcome”.

(thanks to  Richard Austin for noticing that)

Page 78
,  Theorem 4.2: Should  be theorem 4.2 
(thanks to  Mark Blackburn for noticing that) (fixed in Dec 2012 print run)

Page 82, Figure 4.3. The x-axis labels are wrong. Specifically
0.0    0.4    0.8    12.0    16.0    20.0    24.0
should be replaced with
0    4    8    12    20    24
(note that the 0.4 and 0.8 are genuinely wrong while the others have decimal places which are 
unnecessary  as the values must be integers here)

Page 126 (continuation of Box 5.5 at top of the page). There is a very important error here. The correct fomula is
odds Bayes

and not as stated (in both denominators on the right hand side the expression P(not H | E) was wrongly used instead of P(E | not H).
(thanks to Steve for pointing that out)

Page 128 -- line -5 should say "die" not "coin" and in the last  sentence "the coin coming up heads" should say "the die landing on 6".

(thanks to  Paul King for noticing that)

Page 129, Table 5.4, line 1 last column: P(H=Honest Joe's data) should be P(H=Honest Joe's | data). Similarly, in line 6
P(H= Shady Sam's  data) should be P(H= Shady Sam's | data).
(thanks to  Katrina for noticing that)
Page 132, bullet point 2: The second occurrence of the word "not"  should be removed in the text:  "The probability Norman is late given that there is a train strike is 0.8 (and therefore by Theorem 2 the probability Norman is not late given that there is not a train strike is 0.2)". Thus it should say:  "The probability Norman is late given that there is a train strike is 0.8 (and therefore by Theorem 2 the probability Norman is not late given that there is a train strike is 0.2)" 
(thanks to  Dr S Muralidharan for noticing that)

Page 133: The second line of the first equation should be:
+P(N = True | T = False) P(T = False)

and not
+P(N = True | T = False) P(N = True | T = False)
as stated.
(thanks to Bayan AlMutawa  for noticing that)

Page 145, Box 6.5: in the penultimate sentence  "call if soft evidence" should be "call it soft evidence"
(thanks to  Paul King for noticing that)

Page 147, Figure 6.14 the text "the Evidence entered here is transmitted to c through A" should say "the Evidence entered here is transmitted to C through A"
(thanks to  Mark Blackburn for noticing that)

Page 248
, Figure 8.31 The two examples in the first column, rows 2 and 3 should be TNormal(0.5, 0.1) and TNormal (0.5, 0.01)
(thanks to  Mark Blackburn for noticing that)

Page 287, Line -4 "..standard deviation of 0.25"  should say  "..standard deviation of 0.5" Also, in formula on last line "0.25" should say "0.5".
(thanks to Thomas Barnett for noticing that)

Page 290, Result of variance formula at the bottom of page should be 0.00434 rather than 0.0344 as stated.

Page 299, Box 9.13 – first sentence "Conjugacy is a treated as …" should be "Conjugacy is treated as …"
(thanks to  Mark Blackburn for noticing that)

Page 316, line 3. Replace "we next explain..." with  "We next explain..."
(thanks to  Mark Blackburn for noticing that)

Page 365, line -4 above Table 11.7: The word "following" should be removed.

Page 367, line -9: should say "E1: Loss event discovered during reconciliation check, C1" - not  "E1: Loss event discovered during reconciliation check, C0":
(thanks to  Michael Corning for noticing that)

Page 379, the last three lines  "...we would be  much more confident that the reliability is low (the mean pfd here is 0.001) but not so much that we believe it is absolutely zero."  should be replaced with ......."...we would be  much more confident that the reliability is high (the mean pfd here is 0.001). "
(thanks to Chris Hobbs for noticing that)

Page 447 -- In the numerator of the equation, the final “x 5” should be removed.

(thanks to  Richard Austin for noticing that)

Page 496  index entry "Bookmakers odds, see Odds" should be replaced with "Bookmakers odds, 70-71"  (the item does not appear currently under Odds)

Page 497  index entry "Discretization, static, 280, 465" should be replaced with "Discretization, static, 273-280, 465"

Page 497  index entry "Discretization, state domain notation, 273" should be moved to an entry on its own, i.e. "state domain notation, 273"

Page 498  index entry "Evidence, likelihood ratio, 122" should be replaced with "Evidence, likelihood ratio, 125-128, 409-410"

Page 499  index entry "Marginalization by variable elimination, 142" should be replaced with "Marginalization, 58-59, 142-144, 450-451"

Page 499  index entry "Evidence, likelihood ratio, 122" should be replaced with "Evidence, likelihood ratio, 125-128, 409-410"

Page 500  index entry "node, SPAM filters, 232" should be moved to an entry on its own, i.e. "SPAM filters, 232"

Back Cover, line -2 "..PowerPoint slides" should be removed. The following sentence should be added: "A full set of PowerPoint slides is freely available to teachers adopting the book on their course".